The three dice are part of my usual routine at all the shows.
In addition to the many possibilities offered by this tool, we must highlight the finish, much superior to all similar products on the market.
It can be used as a shocking prediction of number and colors, or as an absolutely “random” system to choose the viewer of your preference.
The limit is your imagination.
Practical, reliable, undetectable and aesthetic…

Lorsque Marc Antoine m’a présenté Mental Dice, j’ai vu tout le potentiel et les possibilités magiques de cet effet…Je l’ai utilisé sur scène et à la télé et on m’en parle encore..Grâce au génie de Marc Antoine,la magie atteint un autre niveau..Il suffit d’ajouter votre personnalité et vous avez entre les mains un miracle…À vous de jouer !!!

I said it almost 20 years ago … you are a genius of magic and technique, you have to market all your creations to evolve the art of the impossible in another dimension: perfection

Mental Dice is a mentalist’s dream come true. I use it both in close-up and in platform magic and it never fails to amaze audiences. I was lucky enough to be the very first one to get it in 2017 when Marc Antoine demonstrated it for me, as I immediately realized its incredible potential. If you add to this gem the new sensor and the unbelievable effect the genius of Marc Antoine created with it, you really have the product of the decade right into your pocket – and I mean it. You have my highest recommandations for this fantastic product